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- 6 person dance hankies single stepping
- Caper: Left foot up & hankies windmill out, hop onto right foot & hankies windmill in.
- hankies straight out, Swagger back
- Caper & turn round at same time
- hankies straight out, Swagger back
- Caper and half turn to face partner
- 1st comer. 1-6 go half way then turn back to place followed by 2-5
- then 3-4 go round each other like a whole gyp
- All together: Half gyp. Right shoulder first
- Corners return to places then middle
- whole gyp – around partner hankies wide apart twice. Right shoulder first
- 3rd . corner back to place
- rounds .c/w 8 beats turn out and back to place a/c/w
and finish all into the centre